ACME National Brokerage, Inc. is a National Marketing Organization. They work with approximately 200 agencies varying in capability, 15 Insurance Companies for Life Insurance, 8 Insurance Companies for Annuities, 5 Insurance Companies for Long Term Care and 4 Insurance Companies for Disability Insurance. In addition to this they network with other peers for some additional carrier access and they operate with member agency processing centers for additional carrier access as well. Their primary focus is provide access to top contracts to IMOs, BGAs, and Agencies.
The Issues
ACME is based in Colorado, but there agencies are located in 40 different states with agents spanning through all 50 states. Many of there agencies handle 100% of the case management, contracting and commissions processing, but about 40% of their agencies rely on ACME to carry the load in these areas. In addition to this, the processing centers all have independent tracking systems that make it cumbersome to include this production in ACME’s reporting on a timely basis. Nearly every agency relies on ACME to deliver the product knowledge and carrier support while again, about 40% of the agencies also need quoting & underwriting services. This structure also leads to difficult hierarchies to track and manage for accurate commission tracking and accounting. With varying needs amongst their member agencies, there is strong pressure on delivering a consistent process for information management, case management, quoting, commissions processing and more.
The Solution
Broker Backoffice provides many solutions to the issues that face ACME. Among these solutions include:
- ACME can run their back office as a standalone system, allowing the Member Agencies to track their cases, track their production, utilize the CRM for their agencies, request quotes, run quotes, receive automated and detailed commission statements and so much more.
- ACME could also integrate the Processing Centers run by Member Agencies or Affiliate Partnerships into Broker Backoffice as well. This would allow the Processing Center to maintain their own branding and presence while seemlessly integrating the the full functionality of Broker Backoffice between the NMO and the Member or Affiliate. For the privacy of each party this integration is only available for specific companies agreed on between the parties, and the Agents or Agencies associated with those agreements. The best part is setup is complete in a matter of minutes.
- ACME could also provide Broker Backoffice to either ALL agencies or the 40% in which they provide the most services for. The Member Agency in this arrangement maintains 100% of the branding and they can choose which carriers and agents ACME has access to manage or they can choose to allow ACME to manage 100% of their agency management presence…all from ACME’s back office.
- ACME can automate the commission management and statements for its Member Agencies.
To see a full list of features available to a National Marketing Organization, please click the link below.
View Full Features List Here
The Result
ACME decided to utilize Broker Backoffice to track their cases, production, contracting, hierarchies and more. They now have automated commission processing and provide detailed statements to their partner agencies for their bonuses. They chose to send these Monthly to the Agencies but have a choice to send on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. In addition to this, any of ACME’s member agencies can subscribe to Broker Backoffice and they will have a branded web presence with ability to allow ACME to manage their status updates and more, automatically. This process will save them thousands of dollars and countless hours due to the automation of commission statements alone. In addition to this, they have brought significant value to each member agency by providing a way for the to seamlessly connect their businesses while maintaining separate identities.